In very simple words, its a theoretical Paradox . Lets understand by an example:-
Suppose you are giving an object to yourself in the past (BY TIME TRAVELLING). Now, the object that you choose in your present to give in your past will get trapped in an infinite loop in which the object does nit have any time of origin and is said to be "UNCAUSED" or "SELF-CREATED".

More simplar form
You took an object in your present, travelled back in time and give that object to yourself.
Now logically the object is no longer with you cause you have given it in past but you will find that object in your present because you gave that object to yourself in past.
Now for that object no one can determine the time of origin because if in past at that time that object was not created and you gave it to yourself then it shows that the object is made before the actual formation of that object. This is contradicting and so one can not determine the time of its cretion because it was present when it ws not created